Behind the Curtain

What’s the deal? Dad Pro Tips was founded by two friends, I Am Jack and Dad of 5. The idea came about when we realized there weren’t very many (read: zero) blogs dedicated to fathers that dealt with fatherhood in a more old-school fashion. That’s not to say we’re traditionalists, rigid, or disciplinarians; quite the contrary, in fact. We parent with common sense. We understand that the world is unforgiving, uncaring, and brutal. Our children will be ready to face it.

What’s the Proficient Provider? The Proficient Provider is a man who has skills, dedication, intellect, and experience. He is a leader, a teacher, a master, and a father. He is not a Glorified Babysitter, he is a parent. He is not a significant other, he is a husband. When things are going wrong, he is doing right.